Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It’s Cold Out There

I was hoping I wouldn’t have to broach this topic for a few weeks, but cooling temperatures in Boston (and now during my week long stay in London) are an unwelcomed reminder that winter is just around the corner.

It’s a bit disheartening to acknowledge, but my favorite thing about running in the cold is the gratitude I feel once the temperatures rise again in the Spring—not necessarily the best attitude given Spring is a solid 6 months away. But in the meantime, I’ve started reflecting on some of the things I do differently to accommodate the cold weather, including:
  • Bundling up. My $2 gloves from Target go a long way towards keeping in the warmth. And when the temperature drops a bit more, I’ll rely heavily on a fleece vest and headband to get me through.

  • Extra stretching. While I usually don’t allocate enough time for stretching, in the colder months, I make a point to find the time to stretch pre- and post-run, as I notice a significant improvement in how I feel both during and afterwards.

  • Embracing the dark. Whether before or after work, the shorter days leave little choice but to run in the dark, and while it’s generally not my preference, I try to make the most of it. This morning for example, I ran a 3 mile loop around London’s theater district. Rather than avoiding the run altogether, I brought my camera along and snapped some 6AM “night shots” along the way—a very different landscape than I would have seen at the same exact time just a few weeks ago.

Curious as to other’s perspectives, I found a short and to-the-point article on Runner’s World on “10 Tips for Running in the Cold” which highlighted a few aspects I hadn’t thought of, like warming up indoors and running with the wind. Got any others? I’d love to hear them.


Dave Packer said...

ahhh...Picadilly Square. Nice pic!

Branden said...

Running at night is what kills me in the Boston winters. But I'm too lazy to get up early and run before work.

Natalie Nathanson said...

I hear ya--our problem now is that its now dark and cold before AND after work!